Writing Extra Credit
(up to 5 points on first version and revision)
*This is the extra credit that will have the biggest impact on your overall grade.*
Writing Center locations and hours:
Make sure to give them a call to double check their hours
in case those have changed or not been updated.
You can get extra credit on any major writing assignment (essay, summary/response, research assignment, technical writing documents, cover letters) by going to the college’s writing centers. You must follow these rules.
- You must go to the writing center at least one day before the assignment due date.
- You must turn in your writing center draft with your final essay, and the draft must be stamped and signed by writing center staff. (Other campuses have different processes, but either way you must submit proof of the date, time, and the draft.)
- If you attend online, use your microphone and talk with the tutor.
- As verification, you must include a screen shot from Blackboard Collaborate/Class for Web that shows your work on the screen along with you and the tutor in the chat panel.
- This article covers taking a screen shot from most devices
- To access the chat panel in Blackboard Collaborate/Class for Web, navigate to the bottom right corner of your screen and click the purple button with two arrows, which opens the "Collaborate Panel"; the chat icon (usually a chat bubble) within this panel allows you to access the chat function.
- To access the share option in Blackboard Collaborate/Class for Web, navigate to the bottom right corner of your screen and click the purple button with two arrows, which opens the "Collaborate Panel"; select the square with the arrow pointing up and toward the right in it. There select “share files” and choose your essay to share. It will appear on the main screen.
- You must use the advice given at least with grammar unless you have some compelling reason not to. With stylistic advice, remember that you have more knowledge of my expectations, so you need to make sure to make your decisions with that in mind. If you blow off good advice, you will not get credit.
- If you go to the writing center with your first writing assignment, you can receive up to 10 points for your first visit on the rough draft.
REMEMBER: You must go to the writing center at least one day before the assignment due date.
Extra Credit for Attending EPCC Sponsored Events
- Attend an EPCC sponsored event.
- Take a picture of the announcement/poster for it, and a selfie of yourself there.
- Go to the event and take a selfie of yourself while you’re there.
- Take notes. If it’s a play or something where taking notes is not the thing to do, jot down your thoughts as soon as you can afterward.
- Write a well-developed paragraph or two about your experience—describe it and discuss what you learned and what you thought. If there's an opportunity to ask a question and you have one to ask, do that and note the question and answer.
- Fill out the survey and upload the images through the link or QR code:
Information you will need in order to fill out the survey:
- Class you're taking with me: Number, days, and start time. (For example: 1301, MW, 11am)
- Name of the event
- Date of the event
- A well-developed paragraph or two about your experience. Proofread and spellcheck. It's just courteous. (And it's points)
- Pictures, files, etc. to support your attendance and experience. (College announcement, selfie of you at the event, images of your notes, etc.)
- You can do this with up to 3 college-sponsored events per semester and I will replace up to 3 zeros in the coursework section.
Service Learning
Service Learning will count as 3 extra 150-point coursework grades.
More importantly, it helps you engage with your community and develop experiences, skills, and abilities that will help you as you move into the professional world.
Working with the Service Learning Office and the Representative at our campus. Applications for Service Learning must be turned in by
- 16 Week Semester: Two weeks after the semester begins
- 1st Minimester: One week after class begins
- 2nd Minimester: One week after class begins
What to do if you want to accept the Service Learning opportunity:
- Begin by informing me about your desire to do this.
- Contact the Service Learning Office and get your paperwork done.
- Meet with me to fill me in on your service learning location and other details and to schedule times throughout the semester we can talk about your experience and work on your presentation and resume.
- Once done,
- Develop a 5-10 minute presentation to share with the class during the last few weeks of classes about your experience.
- Develop your resume to reflect this experience
- Upload your documents to the Extra Credit/Service Learning Survey.
Include the following:
Giving Extra Credit
(5 points on lowest coursework grade, up to 3)*
In order to encourage you to give back to your community, I will give you 5 extra credit points on your lowest coursework grade if you donate to a non-profit organization. You can take advantage of this up to 3 times during the semester. You can donate blood, your time, or other things. Here are some local non-profits, but there are others as well.
*The exception to Giving extra credit is for Service learning. If you do service learning and complete all of your hours, it will count as 3 EPCC sponsored events.
Exemplary Work Credit
I may also add a few extra credit points to work that stands out as exemplary.