Media Analysis
Essay Assignment and Prewritings
*Essay Format and Citation Style: APA*
Readings: NOTE: With Essay 3 you are required to use at least 2 of the readings in your paper along with the ad/TV show you analyze. Sources you can use are marked with asterisks ( *). (Check your schedule for our readings from both A Writer’s Reference and Writing down the Basics) Student samples are at the bottom of the page. Student samples are listed at the bottom.)
Key Concepts & How To Readings
Basically, what to analyze, how to analyze it, and various elements, tips and tricks for doing so.
These readings cover key concepts and give you the basics in terms of what things to look at, different strategies and techniques media makers use. They are the tools that help you analyze media.
Discussion and Analysis Readings
These articles provide examples, discussions, analysis, and reflection on advertising.
Student Samples
APA Abstract, Keyword list, and 6th Edition Format.
Below are samples with abstracts and keywords. An abstract and keyword list is not required in a student paper in the APA 7th edition unless your instructor specifically requests it. If you do have an instructor request one, take a look at these for the format and voice/approach to use. Make sure to write the abstract after you finish your paper. (It’s just a summary.)
Except for one, these are also formatted in APA 6th edition style.
Media Literacy and Advertising Awareness Organizations, Publications, and Foundations
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